Thursday, May 28, 2009

Power Suit

“The Power Suit”

Summer Saturday in San Diego and I was on the beach with my friend Jonathon. Sunset was nearing and I was scheduled to bartend an event on the historic Midway -Air Craft Carrier where Qualcomm was hosting a company celebration for 4,000 of its employees. It was my first time bartending an event there and I was dreading it because the beach and I were having exceptional chemistry that day. Since my home was in Temecula I brought my black shirt, black slacks and black shoes to Jonathon’s condo where I would get ready for the event. Something about me going to bartend an event with over 4,000 people on the Midway encouraged Jonathon to ask to tag along. “Sure,” I said, “I have no idea what the dress code is like for the guests but I’m sure I will be able to sneak you in, the midway is huge!” Besides, I was given an access code which enabled me to enter through the employee gate.

“Well,” he said with a sudden urge of confidence, “I’m just going to wear my power suit and tie,” which he bought at Nordstrom with his 25% employee discount.

As we drove down to the Midway I asked him, “Really nice suit but why did you get it, it’s not like you need it for work, don’t you work in the stock room?” He responded with an obvious answer, “Every guy needs to own an expensive power suit bro.” He was right, by looking at us in the car I clearly looked like the help and he was certainly a guest of honor. So I thought.

After checking in with the Midway Event Staff Coordinator, I was assigned to tend one of the many bars on the second level of the ship where the party was to continue until 2 a.m. with club music. The upper deck was tended by other bartenders and caterers. The Goo Goo Dolls were performing on the upper deck along with a fire work show. As the Qualcomm employees began to herd in, I met Jonathon at the employee gate and told him, “You are on your own buddy just blend in. Fire work show upstairs with Goo Goo Dolls and then dance club downstairs have fun!” To our surprise the guests were all dressed in resort-casual attire, Polos with shorts and button up shirts with jeans or cotton pants. Jonathon was not going to blend in.

I hurried back to my bar and watched him walk up the overflowing staircase along with the other guests. After an hour of setting up my bar I sneaked off to the upper deck to check on Jonathon.

The view was astonishing, the sun had already set and the Goo Goo Dolls were finishing up their performance. There were easily 4,000 people walking around, eating, sitting, drinking and conversing. Surely at least fifteen coordinators were choreographing the event along with the Midway Coordinator. I was trying to spot Jonathon; I knew it would be easy because he was the only one in a suit and tie.

There he was! Picking up a couple of empty cups from a table and placing them on the bar. Then one of the bartenders immediately gave him his attention and began nodding his head while Jonathon pointed to something to the left which he followed by a thumb up. One of the caterers came up to Jonathon who appeared to have nervously asked him a question and then continued with his work. Was he delegating to the staff? I thought to myself as I came closer. Jonathon then began making rounds to the tables where the actual guests were praising him. I heard several of them say, “Thank you for this fantastic job. And he would respond with, “You are welcome, I am glad you are enjoying yourself.” One of the bartenders approached him during his rounds and asked him if she could take her break. I could not believe this. All of a sudden he became the man in charge, the Public Relations Specialist. The person everyone was thanking and appreciating. His confidence had never been so high. I even noticed the Midway Coordinator in his poorly ironed shirt and faded pants smile at Jonathon with comradely as if saying we are among those in charge of this event. Before the Midway Event Coordinator could see me, I returned to my bar and waited for the event to segue down to the second portion.

As the guests began walking down to the second level, I eventually noticed Jonathon accompanied by two girls who found him more interesting than any of the other hundreds of engineers from Qualcomm. He was playing the role of the rebellious man in charge that easily distracts himself to a couple of cute girls while keeping an eye on his responsibilities.

I was worried he wouldn’t blend in, yet he was able to disguise himself completely in his power suit only to superman his way through the event. As the night came close to an end, he went to a restroom, took his suit and tie off, un-tucked his shirt, rolled up his sleeves and blended in as he exited the ship.

I went to Nordstrom that weekend.

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